Summoning the Sun

Spring isn’t sure if it wants to fully arrive here in the mountains. One day it is sunny and warm, the next, 30 degrees cooler and snowing. It isn’t sure what it wants to be quite yet. I know what I want to be, bathing in the warmth. I am practicing some rituals to honor the spring in hopes of summoning the warmth to arrive and stick around for good, well at least until next season. I hope you enjoy these rituals and find warmth and light in them. 

Close up of flower - summoning the sun

Embracing the sun within yourself

 The  mantra I come back to again and again is, “The sun is within me.” A reminder that the light is never outside of me but always inside of me. Sometimes I just have to call on it when I’ve allowed the darkness to block out the light. 

The ritual here is to reflect on what allows your light to burn brightly. Use the questions below to clarify. 

When I am doing ______ I am filled with joy. 

When can I add _______ into my day today? 

How can I add ________ into my day every day? 

Making space for the things that light us up can either be easy or difficult. For example, I love sewing, it brings me so much joy to sit down and zone out into one task that in the end provides me with new clothes. Yet, getting myself to my sewing machine can be difficult. I am grateful for it once  I’m there and I have to ask myself, why don’t I do this more often?

 My invitation to us both is when we see a moment when we could be doing the thing that we love, but instead maybe choose to death scroll, say to yourself, “my home is the sun within me”. Say it as many times as you need, then get up and do the thing you said that fills you will joy.

When you need to summons that energy just repeat the mantra, “The sun is within me”. Allow your light to be your guide. 

Glass full of water and loose herbs - summoning the sun

Filling your body with sunshine 

This time of year I love beginning to add more herbal infusions into my life. Especially light and joy-filled tasting infusions. I want to note that I am not an herbalist, but these herbal blends I've personally loved creating and have enjoyed drinking. 

Blend 1: Hibiscus and Lemongrass

This blend has a beautiful color and is overwhelmingly delicious. The hibiscus is high in antioxidants, giving protective quality for seasonal colds and allergies. It also is a great assistance for liver health. Lemongrass has a calming quality and can help boost overall health. 

Blend 2: Nettle and Goji berries 

Nettle is a perfect ally for seasonal shifts and allergies as it is a natural antihistamine. The goji berries add a wonderful flavor that provides a major boost of antioxidants and also increase immune system function. 

How to use the blends: 

In a mason jar fill a tablespoon of each dried herb per cup of water that  you intend to use. Heat your water and pour over your herbs and let them steep overnight on the counter. In the morning strain and enjoy your tea throughout the day. 

I love making 3 cups for drinking. My first in the morning, second in the afternoon, and third in the late afternoon. Yet you can choose what feels right for you! This ritual becomes a daily habit that I look forward to and I am thrilled to reintroduce it myself. 

May these spring rituals bring more warmth, ease, joy, and sunshine into your life. I’ll be practicing them right along with you, I am ready for the sunshine to return. I’m ready for that ease to flood my body after many weeks of feeling weak, tired, and drained from life. May the sunshine bring all the parts of our bodies to life, and give us energy for this new season ahead. 

Let me know in the comments how these rituals work for you! How do they make you feel? What is beginning to shift from practicing them?


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Benefits of a cold plunge tub