Simply Bare Slow Living

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Welcoming Spring

Spring arrived on Sunday with the spring equinox, a day of equal sunlight to moonlight. Now we begin to thaw our wintered selves out, and reignite the fire within ourselves. This time is a gift to relish in the fluctuating weather; an uncertain time in nature. When winter still feels to be with us, but signs of spring are beginning to greet us. It’s a time to savor the ups and downs that transition brings, reminding us that growth is not linear. The sun may shine, and warm us up today, but the snow may return tomorrow. Just as our light may beam one day, and feel hard to find in two days’ time. These are the gifts of spring. The act of savoring it all in one single step, surrendering.  

My Grandmary said to me once, “Planting a garden is an act of believing in tomorrow” I’ve held that in my heart ever since. Knowing that when I can watch life grow, I am also witnessing my own growth. I see spring as a time of allowing the seeds of our food to grow, and the seed of my winter visions, begin to come to life. Yet, just as our seedlings need sunlight, water, attention, love, and nourishment, so do our internal seeds. 

I invite you to explore inside yourself, and find out what your inner seedling needs to grow. Grab your journal and pen, use the guided questions below and allow yourself to trust your inner guide to lead you. 

Welcoming Spring Journal Prompts

  1. What visions did I plant this winter, that I hope to see grow? 

  2. What would my life look like if my visions grew?

  3. How would I feel in my mind, body, and spirit if my visions grew? 

  4. What do my visions require of me? 

  5. How can I honor my visions so they can grow into all I desire? 

Once you have seated yourself, and answered the above questions, close your eyes and fully allow yourself to visualize. Visualize how your life would feel if you took the actions required, each and every one. Visualize how your life would feel once you’ve taken all the actions and your vision has become reality. How does it feel? Allow yourself to relish in the abundance. Return to this visual each and every day to motivate you to continue nourishing that seedling. 

Want to further nourish that seedling? Leave your vision below to allow your desires to be heard by the universe and honored by this community.

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